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Design of a personal signature

Autograph (from the Greek. "Auto" - and himself - "graph" - write) - in this case, the handwritten signature in documents, postcards, souvenirs or commemorative inscription on a short text book, or picture, which ends with a personal signature. Just call any handwritten signature of the author's text.

At a time when his own hand written documents (except for letters, cards and promissory notes), there are less and less, the role is transferred to the autograph signing. And the attitude to such a significant element of the manifestation of personality is becoming more serious. (video on YouTUBE)

Signature serves as a vivid poster with a list of psychological characteristics of its author, and shows the extent of fraud that speaks seriously of its owner. Autograph can tell a lot about yourself without saying a word. Placing of a letter or document to sign, we can not even guess that in a split second to create a graphics self-portrait.

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Using an autograph just for viewing the documents - the day yesterday. Today, he finds more and more other interesting roles.

WATERMARK on the basis of the original manuscript, emblem or monogram can be made on your nominal writing paper. On paper, write a congratulatory letter. Of heavy paper can make business cards or postcards.

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EXLIBRIS (bookplate) for the home or personal library, a collection of electronic media: CD, DVD, tape or video recordings, as well as vinyl records also be developed on the basis of expressive autograph. Bookplate can be made in the form of stamp or printed on a color or black-and-white printer for adhesive paper and then glued to a protected object.

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Bookplate Design
on the basis of an autograph.

Typically, the most complex and stable in shape signature from the bankers because of the specificity of the profession (examples below):


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We know of no studies that accurately reported the number of profitable trades or contracts, in which a certain person is a guarantor, has changed in the least favorable direction or did not take place at all, but the fact that it occurred in the banking business or a job, - we know for sure. In particular, the U.S. Supreme Court in 1978 upheld the use of graphology in the hiring.

One of the current problems of recruitment is that more people are successfully pass the final exams at school and go to university, which means that firms are more difficult it becomes to select suitable candidates for the vacancy of a growing number of graduates. Peter Gerrard, the manager of one of the divisions of the company recruiter Michael Page, said that the number of candidates for jobs in the United Kingdom in recent years has increased dramatically. In some areas, competition is particularly high, and the problem is compounded by the large number of people coming from abroad. One of the main reasons for this situation, according to Gerard - the Internet. "People are easier to learn about a vacancy," - he said in an interview with "Bi-bi-si" and added that due to network profiles one person can now easily submit applications immediately for a dozen places. However, as the head of the European Employment Center Investment bank Goldman Sachs Calum Forrest, "if you take a job than those people, you are doomed from the start."

As a result, correspondence, sooner or later will have to put their signature. To this must be prepared in advance, not hoping that your resume will not go to the expert in graphology.

Think of the sensations of sight on a variety of autographs, which have met in my life. Sometimes it is a pleasant roundness that is soothing and has to itself, sometimes overflowing energy, which demonstrates the activity and business pressure. It is easy to recognize shy and eccentric, authoritarian and self-respect, and it happens that teenager sloppy doubt at least in some nebudu positive qualities of its owner.

Here are the autographs of famous historical figures:


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Autograph Anne, daughter of Yaroslav the Wise (French queen)


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Autograph by Bohdan Khmelnytsky (Hetman of Ukraine)


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Autograph by Taras Shevchenko (poet, artist)


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Autograph by Salvador Dali (Artist)


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Autograph by Mikhail Bulgakov (writer)


apyshkin.gif (1470 bytes)

Autograph by Alexander Pushkin (poet)


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Autograph by Leo Tolstoy (writer)


Experts on graphology (handwriting analysis) based on many years of observations, comparisons and conclusions state that the signature and handwriting as reflecting the inner state of man. Moreover, with changing the signature changes, and the owner (and vice versa). These two factors are inseparable. It's like when a bad mood and take a smile ... The mood here is noticeably improved.

Here are just a few basic, the most characteristic parameters of the autograph, which can be estimated from the owner.

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The rising sign up or termination of the owner describes her as an energetic, temperamental, optimistic person.


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Horizontal inform the steadiness and constancy.


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Sinkable limp or sign symbolizes the end of its pessimism, uncertainty, and dissatisfaction with life and the work performed.


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Large and sprawling signature - the author - egotist. He did not reconcile itself with the everyday life of average conditions. Wants to achieve much more.


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Initial signature corresponds to the initial letter of the name is modesty, simplicity, satisfaction for its real possibilities.


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Initial signature - the name of who wrote and performed after the signature of the surname - efficiency, responsibility for their actions, thoughtfulness. The point of talking about discipline and termination of their intentions.

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Initial convoluted (you can connect different initials as monograms) - isolation, secrecy. These people are selective in friendship, distrustful.


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The presence of a signature repetitive monotonous strokes increased energy, activity of the author, the ability to see perspective in diversity.

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Additional elements (strokes, loops, curls, semantic elements) contained in the signature of stress (cursive writing), suggest that the author has the imagination and resourcefulness.


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Excessively and unnecessarily adorned with curls of different strokes and all initial and autograph as a whole reflects an excessive ambition, egocentrism, narcissism, perhaps to the detriment of the results of the case.


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Signature without stroke - of culture, good breeding.


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Jerky Direct flourish at the end of the autograph, as though falling down - energy, determination, courage and toughness in the relationship with subordinates.

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Returning from the bottom to the top of a signature stroke - selfishness, lack of confidence.


In life there are different periods. There are ups and downs, victories and defeats. These factors often affect the mood and the autograph of the owner.

The book Morgenstern "Psychographology," published in 1903, reproduced autograph of Napoleon under the orders of the army after the decisive battles.

Variants of the signature of Napoleon Bonaparte during the different periods of his life reflect a change in careers, status and mood. Here are the signatures left by Napoleon in various documents.


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Napoleon in the rank of captain of artillery (1793)


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Napoleon - the emperor (1804)


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Signature of Napoleon's proclamation after the victory at Austerlitz (1805)


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Autograph of Napoleon after the battle of Moscow (1812)


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Signed statement by Napoleon in Russia (1812)

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Signed after Napoleon lost the Battle of Leipzig, which resulted in the loss of the gains in Europe (1813)

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Signature of Napoleon in exile on St. Helena (after 1815)


Often the person himself is in his signature under his tastes, creativity, social status or profession. But as the ambitions and a business or creative activity there is a need and desire of some originality, aesthetics, and make sense! Own, without the lessons of calligraphy is not so easy to do, but try, and who to contact - do not know ...

We have developed a special algorithm to such an unusual creative process, and we did some early work. The experience was successful. One customer said, so the result: I had an understanding that we should somehow improve the autograph, but what can you achieve such a result - I did not expect. It's like walking into an old, greasy, crumpled tie - and sort of embarrassing, but not another. Now, in a fashionable and elegant feel confident as ever!

How can make an adjustment or upgrading an autograph to show the new status of its owner, technological necessity, a stable frequency and so forth?

Development of a personal signature is from an analysis of motor skills of handwriting. Then based on it made all sorts of options faces the signature, in accordance with specified parameters. Then the owner of the options proposed trained to write in his performance. By further adjustments for multiple sessions, the search for the best results. (video on YouTUBE)

The cost of such development depends on the complexity of the work, specific tasks and number of sessions sketches. At present, the standard service package is 200 euros. However, in some cases may be 80 to 500 euros or more. At your request we will send a description of the standard package for review. Adresse [email protected]

Here are four typical examples of the search options given the owners signatures of semantic and graphic priorities, as well as the specifics of writing calligraphy and motor owners. At the request of all owners of autographs, we do not give them the final results.


Example ¹ 1

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The original signature (before development)


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Sampling of the options on the basis of a dynamic star, an allusion to which has been in the analog and several alternate styles.

After a few sessions of training to write the customer decided to move away from options, which improved its equivalent, and working out the alternatives. Below are signatures made by the owner at the stage of training a stable motor spellings.

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Example ¹ 2

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Autograph, which was used by the customer, was too simple for his new post and it was easy to forge. After independent attempts to create a new signature, the customer decided to order us to develop an autograph higher degree of complexity, but without frills.

We have invited about 50 variants of the mark of varying difficulty. Some of them are listed below. After the first stage has been selected three different variants, followed by a further refinement of training and the final version.

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Example ¹ 3

avtograf-121.gif (1813 bytes)

Execution of the owner of his own autograph on the basis of the names for the last 10 years, gradually deteriorating due to the large number of signatures on documents daily. Moving to a new career level, he decided to develop an autograph again - more complex and dynamic, based on the name or initial letters of his first and last names.

A total of 45 different proposed options for styles, based on the previous (upper) and the original version. After training, several alternatives were selected final. For the current production of documents was ordered by facsimile. And on the most critical documents and greeting cards or invitations owner puts personally autograph.

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Example ¹ 4

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Former teacher of chemistry to do their business. At the moment we met, constantly growing company required a renovation of many parameters. Following the development of a new trademark and other graphic constants, she felt that her new status and, especially, emotional recovery is irrelevant to the "teacher" sign (left option), long served her faithfully. After several attempts to improve themselves by adding to the family its name, the business lady asked us to address the problem.

Search options we began with an attempt to untie the knot initials. Have added flourishes of baroque with plastic. After training, staying on them. To the surprise of the final version of the manuscript uneasy in her performance becomes quite stable.

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Example ¹ 5

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Due to the increase in new positions and responsibilities of the signing of the documents not only internal but also with other firms, a woman needed to improve his autograph.

Unlike the example from earlier in the fact that the signature is developed based on the Latin alphabet rather than Cyrillic.

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In some cases, dramatic autograph (or a pastiche) is the trademark of its owner. This is characteristic of production areas in which important personal involvement or responsibility. This exclusive design furniture, interiors or fashion, food, cosmetics, etc.

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Apart in this series is politics. Often on the campaign posters after a quotation policy put his autograph. If it is readable and meaningful, then the effect is much stronger than the poster. Since the voter for his autograph intuitively sees nature and principles of policy. Given that trust in politicians is not very high - energetic elegant signature can play an important role. A disregard for his signature will give a negative result. (video on YouTUBE)

Natalia and Maxim Karyy © 2011

The first letter, please write to the theme, "My! Design" to address: [email protected]



European heraldry (video on YOU TUBE)

An example of developing a personal coat of arms (video on YOU TUBE)

The story of the creation of the coat of arms Arsenal (Kiev) (video on YOU TUBE)

Development of a personal signature (video on YouTUBE)

Last updated 01.09.24

© DETTA-DESIGN 2004-2016


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